Privacy Policy
Approved by:
The General Director of CJSC Montazh-Invest
N. I. Somichev
June 30, 2017
1. General terms and conditions
1.1. This Policy determines the procedure for the processing and protection of information received by CJSC Montazh-Invest about individuals (hereinafter referred to as Users), which can be obtained by CJSC Montazh-Invest when the User uses the services provided through the Website of CJSC Montazh-Invest (hereinafter referred to as the Website).
1.2. The purpose of this Policy is to ensure the proper protection of information about Users, including their personal data, from unauthorised access and disclosure.
1.3. Activities pertaining to the collection, storage, distribution and protection of information provided by the User are governed by this Policy, the Regulation on the processing of personal data and other internal documents ofCJSC Montazh-Invest and the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
1.4. By registering or filling out forms on the Website and using the Website, the User fully agrees to the terms of this Policy.
1.5. If the User disagrees with the terms of this Policy, use of the Website should be immediately terminated.
2. The objectives of collecting, processing and storing information provided by users of the Website
2.1. CJSC Montazh-Invest collects and stores only the personal information which is necessary for the provision of Services or the execution of agreements and contracts with the User, except in cases when the law provides for the mandatory storage of personal information for a period specified by law. The processing of personal data of the User is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. CJSC Montazh-Invest processes the User’s personal data for the following purposes:
— identification of the party within the framework of agreements and contracts with CJSC Montazh-Invest;
— providing the User with services, including targeted advertising;
— verification, research and analysis of the data, allowing to maintain and improve the services and sections of the Website, as well as develop new services and sections of the Website;
— conducting statistical and other studies based on anonymised data;
— communicating with the User, including sending notifications, requests and information regarding the use of the Services, the execution of agreements and contracts, as well as the processing of requests and claims from the User;
— improving the quality of Services, ease of use and the development of new Services.
3. The terms of processing personal information provided by the User and its transfer to third parties
3.1. CJSC Montazh-Invest implements all necessary measures to protect the User’s personal data from unauthorised access, alteration, disclosure or destruction.
3.2. CJSC Montazh-Invest provides access to a User’s personal data only to those employees, contractors and affiliates who require this information to ensure operation of the Website and provision of Services to the User.
3.3. CJSC Montazh-Invest has the right to use the information provided by the User, including personal data, in order to ensure compliance with the requirements of the current legislation of the Russian Federation (including for the purpose of preventing and/or disrupting illegal and/or unlawful actions of the Users). The disclosure of information provided by the User can only be made in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation upon the request of the court, law enforcement agencies, as well as in other cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
3.4. When processing the personal data of Users, CJSC Montazh-Invest is governed by the Federal Law of the Russian Federation ‘On Personal Data’.
4. The processing of personal information using cookies and metrics
4.1. The cookies submitted by the Website of CJSC Montazh-Invest to the User’s equipment and vice versa may be used by CJSC Montazh-Invest to provide the User with personalised Services for the targeted advertising shown to the User, for statistical and research purposes, as well as to improve the Website Services of CJSC Montazh-Invest.
4.2. The User is aware that the equipment and software they use to access websites on the Internet may have the function of prohibiting operations with cookies (for any sites or for certain sites), as well as deleting previously received cookies.
4.3. CJSC Montazh-Invest has the right to arrange that the provision of certain Services is possible only under the condition that the receiving of cookies is allowed by the User.
4.4. The structure, content and technical parameters of the cookie are determined by CJSC Montazh-Invest and are subject to change without prior notice being given to the User.
4.5. Counters placed on the Website of CJSC Montazh-Invest can be used to analyze the User’s cookies, to collect and process statistical information about the use of the Services, and to ensure the efficient use of the Services in general or their individual functions in particular. The technical parameters of the counters are determined by CJSC Montazh-Invest and are subject to change without prior notice being given to the User.
5. Measures used to protect personal information of the User
5.1. CJSC Montazh-Invest takes necessary and sufficient organizational and technical measures to protect a User’s personal information from unauthorised or accidental access, destruction, alteration, blocking, copying , distribution, as well as from other illegal actions by third parties.
6. Terms of Use of the Website
6.1. The User, when using the Website, confirms that:
— they have all the necessary rights that allow them to register (create an account or submit a form on the Website) and use the Website Services;
— they provide reliable information about themselves in the amount required for using the Website Services, the fields required for the further provision of Website Services are marked in a special way, all other information is provided by the User at their own discretion;
— they realise that information on the Website submitted by the User about themselves may become available to third parties not specified in this Policy and may be copied and distributed by them;
— they have read this Policy, agree with its terms and conditions and assume the rights and obligations specified in it. Agreeing with the terms of this Policy is considered a written consent of the User to the collection, storage, processing and transfer to third parties of personal data provided by the User.
6.2. CJSC Montazh-Invest does not verify the accuracy of the received (collected) information about the User, unless such verification is necessary in order to fulfill obligations to the User.
7. Personal information of the User
7.2. Under this Policy, ‘personal information of the User’ means:
7.3. Data provided by the User on their own volition when using the Website, including but not limited to: first name, last name, gender, mobile phone number and/or email address, marital status, date of birth, birthplace, names of relatives, home address, information about education, line of work, any information about their company and its field of activity.
7.4. Data that is automatically transmitted to the services integrated with the Website in the process of using it via the software installed on the User’s device, including the IP address, cookie information, information about the User's browser (or another program that is used to access the services), access timestamp and address of the requested page.
7.5. Other information about the User, the collection and/or provision of which is outlined in the documents of individual services ofCJSC Montazh-Invest.
8. Altering and deleting personal data
8.1. The User can at any time alter (update, add) their personal data or part of it, as well as the parameters of its confidentiality, informing CJSC Montazh-Invest about it.
8.2. The User may also request to remove the personal data provided by them as part of their account.
9. Changes to Privacy Policy. Applicable legislation
9.1. CJSC Montazh-Invest has the right to make changes to this Privacy Policy. When making changes in the current version, the date of the last update is indicated. The new version of the Policy comes into effect from the date of its publication, unless otherwise provided by the new version of the Policy.
9.2. The laws of the Russian Federation apply to this Policy and the relationship between the User and CJSC Montazh-Invest arising in connection with the application of the Privacy Policy.